Many people are unaware of the fundamentals of internet applications. This article will serve to clear up any misunderstandings you may have about these applications, and give you a better understanding of what they’re capable of. Internet applications are virtual programs that provide information over the internet to other computers or devices that connect to it. For example, think about Google Earth - the program was created by Google for use on different browsers like Chrome or Safari. The program takes in input data from satellites orbiting around Earth’s surface and projects an interactive 3D map onto your web browser through an interface (either in full screen or within a window). In the program, you can zoom in and out, spin around 360 degrees, zoom into any point on Earth’s surface from a satellite view and even save the 3D file. This simple example illustrates a fundamental principle of internet applications – they all consist of a server side component that is responsible for storing the program’s code and data on a central server or database – or – an “application server” – then the client side component that connects to this server and sends requests back and forth between them to complete desired tasks. In the case of Google Earth, there are two separate programs: Google Earth itself as well as Google Maps. In these programs there are both client side as well as server side components. The client side component is what you are most familiar with if you use internet applications. The client side is where the code that makes up your program is stored. If you open Google Earth on your computer, then the program is running in your computer’s memory space. It also means that it is running in the browser. The client side runs only when the user visits a web page with an internet application in it – like Google Earth or YouTube. The server side, which connects to the server to complete tasks, runs continuously 24/7 for all internet users everywhere in the world using browsers or programs like Google Earth on their computers. The server side stores the application’s code and data on a central server or database – a “server” – and the client side connects to the server. The program being run on a computer is small, but the connections to the internet – which are also called “protocols” – are wide and fast. If you want to download any applications like Google Earth you need to visit (and visit often) websites such as that contains thousands of servers that store code and data for thousands upon thousands of internet applications that anyone can connect to with their browser or mobile device. The server side of any internet application is what allows you to connect to it with your browser or mobile device. Computer servers are also called “servers” or “databases”. They are one of the most common types of computers that are used to create internet applications. Their main purpose is to listen for instructions from programs on the server side and respond by sending instructions back to the client side.
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